The Importance of Using a Meeting Note Template

The Importance of Using a Meeting Note Template

A meeting note template can help you remember the points of a meeting much more quickly. You can even group your notes by theme, making it easier to track all your action items. Not to mention, taking notes on a paper sheet will help you retain the information better.


Taking Notes on a Paper Sheet 

Taking meeting notes is a great way to remain organized and retain key points. However, it’s useless if you’re following a notetaking system that doesn’t work for you. Everyone processes information differently, so the way you write your notes should be based on your unique processing style. For instance, some people like to color-code their notes, while others jot down the key points. One popular notetaking system is the Cornell Notes system. It involves writing down essential information on the right side of the paper sheet, while more critical data is on the left side.

When taking meeting notes, make sure to write down the names of the participants, the date, time, and place, and any important decisions made. It is also a good idea to write down who said what and who voted to make a decision. You should also include the names of the people who were invited to the meeting and the organization they were asked to.

Taking Notes on a Tablet or Laptop

The process of taking meeting notes on a laptop or tablet may be slowing you down. Typing notes on a computer encourages mindless transcription, which isn’t the best way to get information out of a meeting. While you may be more efficient at taking notes by hand, a laptop’s keyboard tends to slow you down and clog up your notes with unnecessary details. 

Tablets can be used for many different purposes, from taking meeting notes to reading and editing photos for Instagram. The choice of the tablet should be based on the purposes you want to use it for. Cheaper models are usually more basic, but more sophisticated options are available.

One way to improve your memory is to write down your meeting notes in a spiral notebook. You can add extra details later. If you’d instead write down important points, highlight them. The tablet will also help you store your notes digitally.

Grouping Your Notes

It is essential to write down action items from meetings. 

Group them based on the themes and topics when writing down meeting minutes. These themes will help you keep them organized. You can also use question marks and numbers to rate the actionable tasks. For example, if a meeting covers topics related to customer service, you can put a due date for solving any unanswered questions.

Choosing a Meeting Note Template

Meeting minutes templates are fill-in-the-blank documents you can edit in Microsoft Outlook. These templates can help you save time by eliminating formatting and allowing you to edit the document in real time. A template can also help you organize your notes. To choose the best meeting note template, identify the type of note you’re creating.

Notetaking is essential if your meeting has many action items, deadlines, or decisions. You can designate one person to be in charge of notetaking for each session, or you can rotate this responsibility around the team. Remember to choose a meeting note template that will allow you to capture the most critical details from the meeting.

Once you have your template, you can customize it to fit your meeting type. For example, if you’re running a customer onboarding meeting, you might choose a template that focuses on customer feedback. This is essential for making sound decisions about improving the user experience.

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