The Benefits of Enrolling Your Infant in a Licensed Day Care Facility

The Benefits of Enrolling Your Infant in a Licensed Day Care Facility

Licensed daycare facilities can provide your child with exceptional caregivers and valuable socialization. Kids who have attended high-quality daycare become adults with better cognitive and academic skills.

Interview providers on the phone and ask about staff-to-child ratios, costs, learning opportunities, etc. 



Kids in daycare socialize with other kids their age in a safe and supervised environment. This is important for early development. Kids who don’t attend daycare tend to spend more time at home and take more sick days in elementary school.

When choosing an infant daycare Poway CA, ensure the facility is licensed. It should have staff that has undergone background checks, and all employees must be up-to-date on their vaccinations. It’s also important to ask about the facility’s staff turnover rate. Too much turnover may be a sign of a poor working environment. The staff should be trained in child development and have experience working with infants and toddlers. This guarantees that your child receives the most excellent care. Also, check that the center has enough space to accommodate your child’s needs.

Physical Activity

A daycare with good policies on physical activity can be a great way to get your infant a lot of daily exercises. Research has shown that childcare environments often have low PA participation rates and high sedentary time. This problem can be addressed by enforcing regulations within the facility to encourage young children to engage in vigorous, active play and limit their SV. Researchers found that only 35% of childcare facilities had a written PA policy and were all mandated a daily PA duration. However, some reviewed provincial/territorial childcare legislation and found that only three did provide specific daily PA requirements within their regulations.

Learning Opportunities

A quality daycare program will provide many opportunities for your child to learn and grow. They’ll experience consistent structure and routine, which is essential for babies who rely on attachment to caregivers for their well-being.

This consistency is also crucial for a healthy immune system, allowing them to fight germs and other ailments better. It will also help them develop an understanding of the world around them through daily interactions with other children and adults.

An excellent way to check a provider’s credentials is to ask about their qualifications, training, and background checks. You may even want to do a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) of each facility you’re considering.

Communication Skills

High-quality child care lays the groundwork for kids to develop strong social skills and cognitive abilities. Studies have shown that kids who receive quality care have better academic achievement and self-control as adolescents and adults.

Daycare centers need to communicate with parents regularly. This includes informing them about special events, program closures, and other important news. It also means ensuring parents can promptly share their concerns and questions with staff members.

Effective communication requires a willingness to collaborate with families and respect their religious and cultural backgrounds, gender identities, parenting arrangements, and family structures. It also means avoiding ambiguous language and being mindful of how a parent’s body language might convey their mood during the conversation.


While not all daycare programs are created equal, a licensed program shows the provider has met state health and safety requirements. It also indicates that the provider has appropriate staff to meet the infant-to-caregiver ratios.

Research has shown that children who attend high-quality child care (one adult for every six children under age 6) exhibit better cognitive and academic development as teenagers. It’s believed that supportive relationships and cognitive-boosting activities help develop a sense of self-esteem.

Read a daycare program’s policies and visit a potential provider at different times to see how she interacts with her children. Ask a caregiver how she plans to communicate about your child’s progress, special events, and health issues.